Active Manager sample courses

Access these sample Active Manager Program courses without a login for 14 days.

This will help you get a feel for the simple, practical content and language we use in our program.

Please remember that the online learning content is only one component (10%) of the Active Learning System. It is the combination of all the learning components that makes our training stick.

Active Learning

The sample courses below are representative of the online courses in the Active Manager program. You can also view a sample workbook.


Active vs Reactive

In this course you'll get insight into how you currently operate, and how Active Management can make you more effective with less effort. You’ll learn how to trigger Active Mindset in your day. You’ll quickly find yourself operating differently as a manager, and others will notice too.


Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations are a part of life, but we attempt to avoid them. You’ll learn techniques for how to hold yourself, and to make these conversations productive and constructive.


Working with your team

Responsibility for a company’s failure to perform rests with leaders and managers who fail to create great teams. When you can identify the differing styles of team members, you can understand what makes each person tick and get the best from their strengths. In this course, you’ll get a new way of thinking about and managing your team, greater clarity among team members and how your style works (or not) with others.