Leadership development that sticks 

Our scalable flexible approach helps leaders at all levels grow - It’s practical, cost-effective and proven to create lasting change in the way your managers lead. 

Learn proven leadership development strategies for measurable results, get the 7 best ways to train your leaders below

‘The Breakthrough model gives opportunities for practice throughout your monthly learning cadence. You interact with the content, unpack that learning with your peers and a coach within your organization, and talk about how it's playing out for you. This approach helps learning stick much better than with traditional training.’
Mark McConnell, Learning & Development Consultant

Why choose our approach

We believe in learning by doing. The Active Learning System creates lasting behavior change through practical, real-world application, not just theory and content. 


The old way 

❌ One off events
❌ No follow up
❌ Individual participation
❌ No leader involvement
❌ Lots of theory
❌ No behavior change

The Breakthrough Way

✅ Monthly cycle
✅ Daily skill practice
✅ Teams learn together
✅ Leader coaching built in
✅ Exercises and practice
✅ Behavior change that sticks


Continuous monthly training that fits into work


Practical content

Short 20–30 minute practical online courses, accessible on any device at any time


Quick focused coaching sessions with direct managers to customize learn and boost accountability

Social learning

Small peer group co-labs facilitated by expert coaches to share insights, progress and challenges 

Daily practice

Apply skills in daily work for real-time feedback and reflection on learning


Learn how our leadership development programs minimize time and maximize results from your leadership development investment.

“We’ve seen immediate results after each session, with leaders applying new skills the same day.”
Dane Bonnici, COO, Urgent Couriers

How is our leadership training different and better?

  • Customized learning paths to meet the needs of your organization, leadership levels and values 

  • Just 2 hours a month - easy to fit into busy schedules 

  • Interactions with content, peers, leaders and coaches plus reflection and application throughout every month 

  • Learners apply new skills right away, seeing real results on the job 

  • Builds self-awareness and empathy, creating better, more thoughtful leaders 

  • Companion program and support for leaders to create alignment and increase accountability 

  • From the first consultation to onboarding through delivery, our team is with you at every step to ensure success