Advanced Manager sample courses

Access these sample Advanced Manager Program courses without a login for 14 days.

This will help you get a feel for the simple, practical language we use in our program.

Please remember that the online learning content is only one component (10%) of the Active Learning System. It is the combination of all the learning components that makes our training stick.



Leverage is shorthand for the vital few things that have the most impact (80/20). It means focusing on the biggest return for the least effort, not just the biggest return. And because 80% of what you do contributes only 20% of the value it means letting go of those things that are wasting your time.In this course, you’ll get a different way of thinking about how and where you put your effort. You’ll learn how to get better results from less personal effort and how to get a multiplier effect from other resources.



Managing Poor Performers

Performance management is the process of creating expectations and aspirations, then guiding your people to improvement or change. You’ll learn a framework that gives you the confidence and skills for dealing with poor performers. This builds on Coaching and Difficult Conversations.