Cathy lives in Des Moines, Iowa, USA
Cathy Spenceri
Cathy is a highly skilled trainer and facilitator with over 30+ years of experience under her belt working extensively with many types of organizations from manufacturing to insurance to high end IT. She has always been known as a relationship expert, having that unique skill of connecting with people quickly, and digging deep to diagnose the root cause of a companies’ problem. Prior to becoming a partner with The Breakthrough Co, Cathy spent most of her career as a consultant with Des Moines Area Community College where she helped all types of organizations achieve their business goals.
Cathy holds a B.A. in Speech Communications and a M.Ed. in Organizational Learning and Human Resources Development (OLHRD) from Iowa State University. While Cathy has lived in Iowa her entire life, one of her favorite things to do is travel with her friends and spend time on a great beach, or hike a great trail.