Boost your energy

In the 15 years I’ve been working with SME businesses, I’ve learned to listen for people’s energy. I observe where people are losing their mojo and probe for the effect that has on the business. I sense where people get motivated and energized because that tells me where they should be heading. And I notice when people are utterly flat talking about something because they’re not inspired and they’re not going to do it very well.

Getting clarity about what you want is where you find your energy and how you can get more energy. The other side to it is that you need energy to drive your business. This is not just a good thing to have, it’s critical to being able to make change happen.

Your sources of energy start with your physical health and also your mental health (we call it mental wealth). Energy also comes from your relationships – what are you investing and how are you actively developing them? And finally, your career is also a source of energy because as owners we’re built to strive and achieve.

One of the things we know is that personal time charges us up – inspires us to take on more in the business. We really encourage people to set personal time for themselves, to develop themselves. I read an article that said 15 minutes of personal development every day will change your life. That’s true, but even more important is having things that are outside the business because it allows you to recharge.

This might be:

  • Physical exercise – we all know the benefits of exercise in a health sense but also in an energy sense; fires us up, clears the mind, makes us feel better

  • Mental wealth – things we love to do; shaking ourselves up a bit with some new adventures, new challenges, new practices and new habits

  • Relationships – doing the things you love to do with the people you love to be with

One of the things we really focus on with our Breakthrough members is to set a personal goal around your physical health or your mental wealth. Whatever it is, working toward the goal requires you to develop the same habits and practices that you will need to develop your business.

In addition to a personal goal giving you an energy boost, it also has a cross-training effect because you'll develop ‘change muscle’ which you’ll then use in your business. It also gives you the confidence and self-belief that you need to take on bigger things, particularly in the business.

Set yourself a personal goal. What do you want to achieve? It needs to be definitive and have an end date, or it needs to become a habit. Eg. waking up half an hour earlier each day for meditation or exercise.