Quiet quitting has become more pronounced in the wake of the Great Resignation and pandemic burnout. Mike shares what exactly quiet quitting is and why he thinks this is a growing trend amoung people in the workplace.
Read MoreMike reflects on delivering papers as a kid in the frosty South Island mornings and how his footprints were always the first in the snow. Being the first at anything is hard work, whether it’s pushing through the cold to deliver papers or being the first in your field to achieve something. Problems present themselves along the way, but at least you can say they’re higher-quality problems on the snowy road to discovery.
Read MoreThe great resignation is upon us, but the Great Resignation is an excuse used to resolve employers of responsibility. The truth is, is are things that can be done to ensure the Great Resignation doesn’t make its way through your organisation. Read Mike’s blog to learn how you can retain your best staff, and no, it’s not just about money.
Read MoreAs the Construction industry becomes more remote and diverse, a range of challenges have begun to emerge. Teams need to be able to operate autonomously in the field but remain connected to other teams within the organisation, this is especially true when conducting a training programme across the organisation. Read this blog to learn how to ensure that no teams or individual staff members are left behind when it comes to education and support.
Read MoreIt's not uncommon for businesses to encounter barriers to change, often caused by a lack of communication, engagement, and collective ownership. Read this blog to discover an effective way of eliminating these barriers and building a team actively working towards it and removing impediments and points of resistance along the way.
Read MoreThere are three questions every staff member has of their leader, do you care about me? Can I trust you? Are you committed to excellence? Read Mike’s blog as he delves into each of these questions and what you can do to be a leader your team wants to follow.
Read MoreIt’s always better to prevent a problem before it happens. Taking a proactive approach to leadership development empowers teams to find and solve issues before they happen meaning there are fewer “fires” to fight and less project disruption. Read this blog as we share what you can do in your organization to be proactive rather than reactive with your training.
Read MoreLeading in the Construction sector requires some particular skills. But being a great leader requires more. Read Mike’s blog as he shares the skills that makes a great leader great. He gives specific examples and tips to inspire you and your managers to elevate their leadership skills for a high-performing team.
Read MoreWorkshops don’t work. The best way to train your managers in Construction isn’t to take them off-site and put them in a classroom. Read this blog to discover the best tool you can use to have year-round learning on the job, without affecting your project deadlines.
Read MoreIf you’re concerned about staff retention, you need to be doing more than narrowly focusing your training on those you’re trying to keep. Read Dr. Mike’s blog to learn how investing in management training for your operational managers has a multiplier effect – directly on the manager and indirectly on the staff they lead.
Read MoreThe best way to develop leadership skills in the industry is on the job, but not by accident. You have to be deliberate, disciplined and consistent. Read Mike’s blog to learn how to upskill your managers in Construction. It might just mean the difference between a profitable project and business failure.
Read MoreOne-size-fits-all training models don’t work in the Construction industry. To be effective, leadership training needs to upskill managers effectively year-round without impacting project deliveries. Read this blog to discover more on the ideal training framework that will ensure behaviour change, consistency and integrity across your organisation.
Read MoreIn this blog, Mike discusses the unique needs of seasonal horticulture leadership development programmes. He shares why most training doesn’t work in industries of a cyclical nature and what training does work.
Read MoreConstruction is often described as an industry where you win small but you lose big. That’s why it’s so important to have great managers to lead your staff. Read Mike’s blog as he discusses how having bad managers can negatively affect your business and what makes a great people leader.
Read MoreIn this blog, Mike shares why traditional workshop based training doesn’t for the seasonal horticulture industry. He advised what frameworks to look for when choosing a leadership development programme for your organisation.
Read MoreIn this blog, Mike discusses the ‘perfect storm’ of labour challenges currently being faced by the Horticulture industry. He shares how to get ahead in the war for talent by creating a strong employment brand.
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