Every marketing challenge revolves around these questions
Seth Godin defines the marketing agenda beautifully. I don’t think we can ever stop thinking about our marketing. We have to be constantly thinking about the language, the positioning, the packaging, the expression – how we can make a deeper, faster, better connection with the minds of our prospects. In this regard, as in many others, language really matters. I recently referred to a book called “The 4 Disciplines of Execution”. When we introduced the concept of Wildly Important Goal (which they shortened to WIG), people nodded and repeated it back (sounded weird talking about “I’ve got my WIGs in order”). But when we repurposed it Most Important Goals, lightbulbs went on for people. It suddenly got real, and people started using both the concept and the practice to a much higher degree than they had with WIGs barely 6 months earlier. In influencing people, including ourselves, language matters: use the words that people use. Keep working on it until you find the form that creates the most resonance.
Every marketing challenge revolves around these questions - Seth Godin WHO are you trying to reach? (If the answer is 'everyone', start over.) HOW will they become aware of what you have to offer? WHAT story are you telling/living/spreading? DOES that story resonate with the worldview these people already have? (What do they believe? What do they want?) WHERE is the fear that prevents action? WHEN do you expect people to take action? If the answer is 'now', what keeps people from saying, 'later'? It's safer that way. WHY? What will these people tell their friends?