What's Really Going On?

In that moment where you have an instinct or half thought or impression that you could easily ignore, or in that moment when you are reacting to a situation simply out of habit, stop (we call this moving your mind into Active Mode, or Active Mindset). Ask yourself the question “what’s really going on here?”

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generalMike AshbyComment
Deepen Your Bench

It takes 2 people to replace an owner because they have built up a vast domain expertise across the business that can’t be replicated in a single person. In this blog, Dr Mike shares insight on how you can create a successful succession to prevent this.

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Toughest calls

We all face some tough decisions as we think about life after lockdown, at a personal level and at a business level. Our country’s leaders must make one of the toughest calls that could ever be made, a decision that has life and death consequences either way.

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Leadership in a Time of Uncertainty

COVID-19 is one of the greatest challenges any leader will face in their career. There are no certainties. The scope, scale and significance is unknowable, and the secondary effects on the economy are potentially even greater than the outbreak itself. How will you meet that leadership challenge?

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