[EP 78] Jack Keeys of KPMG on How to Create Dynamic and Inspiring Leadership

Jack Keeys is a Research and Insights analyst at KPMG, Jack has led the market entrance of an agricultural computer software company into the UK and Ireland, while also conducting business development and training around New Zealand. Jack has also been involved in several industry initiatives including co-developing the Rabobank Agri-Leadership programme and being selected for the first AGMARDT international placement award in 2019.

This week, Ryan got a fresh perspective on leadership from Jack. Drawing upon his experience working for one of the "Big Four" accounting organisations, Jack shares his top three insights on what can create really impactful leadership. He discusses 'dynamic leadership' and how to create space for different people and skills to take their turn leading and how to allow inspiring leaders continue contribute at their highest value, rather than box them into result driven work and projects.

We also get some really interesting insight into the future and innovation in the food production sector and where New Zealand stands within that. He shared technology on the rise like 3D printed steaks and (very) smart fridges that can do some pretty amazing stuff...


  • Check out 's KPMG's website here

  • Connect with Jack through his LinkedIn here

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