[MINISODE EP 31] - Managing the Tension Between Stabilising and Adapting after the COVID-19 Lockdowns

Welcome to Business Leader Breakthroughs Minisode Series. Every second Tuesday, we will post a shorter version of a popular previous episode so you get all the best bits in half the time. This weeks episode was recorded right after our first 8 week lockdown in 2020, so with that in mind, Mike and Ryan discuss the tension for business leaders between stabilising the business after a lockdown, while also adapting our business models to make sure we stayed afloat during the 'new normal' of business after COVID.

Managing the tension between stabilising and adapting is difficult, even without the added pressure of a pandemic. In the process of stabilising our business, we must look at our business model and operations for what and how we can recover, rebuild, reinstate and reassure. So we must engage in the process of adapting, think about how to stay relevant, reimagine, reengineer, and disrupt so we exceed. The good news, you don't have to know all the answers right away, your role as a business leader is to help navigate the space and come up with solutions as the problems come, which is where we can help.


- Click here to listen to the full episode
- Read more https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/coronavirus-leading-through-the-crisis

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